Top 9 before you sign.
Welcome to the Netherlands!
When searching for your perfect home in the Netherlands, there are various factors to take into account. To help you, we made you a list of useful things to know when buying or renting a house in the Netherlands.
The list.
1 Use a NVM real estate agent
An agent can only act on behalf of the buyer or the seller, but not both. Your own NVM agent will help you navigate the Dutch waters, search for suitable options, screen the property, handle negotiations, check the contracts and so on. You’ll be in good hands.
2 Be on time
Punctuality is a big deal in the Netherlands. If you are delayed or can’t make it to an appointment, make sure you cancel on time – at least 24 hours beforehand.
3 Set your budget
Don’t bid more than what you can afford or want to pay. Your agent will advise you on the right price, and can also recommend mortgage advisors, so you can see how much you can borrow.
4 Negotiation expertise
Let your real estate agent handle the negotiations for you during the bidding process, so that you are not faced with surprises further down the line.
5 When (not) to talk about money
Once you have agreed on a price and are going to sign the contract, don’t reopen negations. This will probably upset the owners and you could lose the deal.
6 One bid at a time
It is not common in the Netherlands to bid on several houses at the same time.
7 Like the furniture?
In homes and apartments, the kitchen and bathroom are normally included, but the furniture isn’t always. If you want certain items to stay, make sure to attach a list of items with your specifications. Your agent will help you with this.
8 Your word is a big deal
An oral agreement between a private buyer and a private seller is not binding during purchase (it is when you rent), but carries a lot of weight. It’s best to be absolutely sure that you really want the home before signing, although you have 3 days to reconsider.
9 Viewings with few people
When you are going to view a home or apartment, come alone or with your partner. It’s not common to bring the kids to a first viewing. If you do have to, please let your agent know.
Contact us.
the purchase assignment
When you visit Hypodomus Eindhoven or one of our six real estate offices in The Netherlands, we draw up a list of your wishes and criteria for your perfect home. We will assist you until the desired house is found and purchased. We will be with you to inspect all the homes that meet your requirements. Also, we will estimate the value of the house and the state of repair. If necessary we will recommend a structural inspection takes place.
Customer review:
It’s convenient and wise to make use of the services a real estate agent provides. Remember, the selling estate agent is your competitor. This way you can communicate on the same level as the selling agent. We are there to assist the buyer. This entails pointing out the pitfalls, helping out with building permits and even more importantly, negotiating for the best price. Hypodomus is your perfect partner when you are looking to buy. We even can help you with applying for a mortgage.
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